Publications and Conferences
Elisabeth Eljuri has published extensively on the topics of international arbitration, investment protection, energy and natural resources. She has over 50 publications in law review articles, legal journals and books. She has also been an avid speaker in over one hundred major international conferences on the subject matters of her expertise.
Selected Conferences
- Keynote Speech on “Taking the Risk to be Independent “. 2024 Annual Meeting. CPR Institute. Philadelphia, March 2024
- “Key Features of Successful International Petroleum Contracts”. Cámara de Caracas. Caracas, February 2024.
- “An International Perspective on Arbitration in the Hydrocarbons Business”. AVDT. XX Jornadas de Tributación Petrolera y Arbitraje. Caracas, November 2023.
- “Debate on whether a rule against double hatting will prevent the generational change in investment arbitration”. Second Annual LATAM Investor-State Arbitration Conference. MIAS and University of Miami. Miami, November 2023.
- “Granting Instruments”. Short Course for Oil and Gas Contracts and Negotiations. Houston, September, 2023.
- “Selecting New York Law for Cross-Border Transactions- A Wise Choice”. NYIAC Grand Central Forum. New York, September 2023.
- “LatAm: Traditional vs New Resources: Competing or Complementary?”. International Energy Summit. Association of International Energy Negotiators (AIEN). Miami, May 2023.
- Vice Chair of the International Mining and Energy Law Development and Investment Institute. Foundation for Natural Resources and Energy Law. Mexico City, April 2023.
- “Oil and Gas Financing and M&A in the Era of Decarbonisation”. Annual Conference of the IBA. Miami, November 2022.
- “Common Disputes in the Energy Sector”. Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje. III International Conference on Arbitration and Energy. Lima, June 2022.
- “Environment and Arbitration”. Global Arbitration Review Live Arbitration Summit. Miami, May 2022.
- “Renewable Energy Opportunities and Energy-Related Infrastructure Development”. iLaw 2022, International Law Section of the Florida Bar. Miami, April 2022.
- “Disputes under Production Sharing Agreements”. ITA-IEL-ICC Joint Conference on International Energy Arbitration. Houston, January 2022.
- Commercial Arbitrations related to Regulatory Changes. 2021 ITA-ALARB Americas Workshop. Virtual Conference. September 2021.
- Keynote Speaker at the launch of CAMMIN, the new arbitral center for mining, energy and environment in Santiago de Chile. July 2021.
- “Gender Diversity in the Natural Resources Patch”. International Law Section of the American Bar Association. June 2021.
- Keynote Speaker. “The Time for Collaborative ADR in Latin America is now”. JAMS event. February 2021.
- “Women in Arbitration”. Global Arbitration Review (GAR). February 2021.
- “Transparency and International Arbitration”. UNCITRAL DAY 2020. Caracas, December 2020.
- “Arbitration, Concessions and Energy”. Arbitration Unplugged Series. AmCham Peru and AmCham LAB. Lima, October 2020.
- “Risk Mitigation in International Energy Ventures”. IEL Webinar. Houston, August 2020.
- “Best Practices to handle impacts and delays in energy and infrastructure projects during COVID 19”. ICC Infrastructure Disputes Committee‘s virtual conference. Mexico, June 2020.
- Keynote Speaker, Annual Event of the International Law Section of the Florida Bar, Miami, February 2020.
- Perspectives on Private Equity, Amicorp Event, Miami, February 2020.
- “Best Practices to handle impacts and delays in energy and infrastructure projects during COVID 19”. ICC Infrastructure Disputes Committee‘s virtual conference. Mexico, June 2019.
- “Perspectives on Arbitration”, Global Voices in International Arbitration, guest lecturer at Harvard Law School, Cambridge, March 2018.
- Dispute Resolution in the Oil and Gas Business. Joint AIPN and ICDR Program. Mexico City, November 2017.
- “Strategies for Bidders in Mexico”. Mexico’s Oil and Gas Seminar: Investment Opportunities and Regulation. CWC. Mexico, May 2017.
- Co-chair and speaker RMMLF / AIPN International Oil & Gas Law. Contracts and Negotiations. Houston, each year since 2010.
- ITAM University. Petroleum Investments Executive Program. Mexico, August 2016.
- AIPN Oil and Gas Model Contracts Workshop. Banff, Canada. June 2016.
- Latin Lawyers Seventh Oil and Gas Conference. Mexico City, Mexico. May 2016.
- Programa de Inversiones en Energía. ITAM. Mexico City. April 2016.
- Foreign Affairs Live Event: Mexico’s Energy Future. New York, March 2016.
- Overview of the M&A Market in Latin America. Biennial Latin America Regional IBA Forum. Rio de Janeiro, March 2016.
- International Module Chair. Institute of Energy Law (IEL) Oil and Gas Law Conference. Houston, February 2016.
- “State Investment Disputes”. LCIA/AIPN Conference on Dispute Resolution in the International Oil and Gas Business. London, October 2015.
- “Mexico’s Contractual Frameworks: Securing successful participation in the upcoming rounds”. CWC Mexico Upstream Conference. Mexico City, September 2015.
- “International arbitration topics in the context of the Mexican energy reform”. Global Energy Conference of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC). Mexico August 2015.
- “Fiscal Regimes in Latin America with a focus on Mexico”. World Gas Conference. Paris, June 2015.
- “Challenges and Opportunities with the Mexican Production Sharing Contract”. Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Institute. Cartagena, April 2015.
- “Key Contractual Challenges of the Mexican Production Sharing Contracts”. BNA Americas Conference. Mexico, April 2015.
- “Minimizing and Maximizing Bankability in the Energy Sector”. CANCHAM Day. Mexico City, April 2015.
- “Mexico’s New Opportunities and Challenges”. Oil Council Latin America Conference. Bogota, January 2015.
- “Instructor on Farmout Agreements”. RMMLF/AIPN International Oil & Gas Law, Contracts and Negotiations. Houston, October 2014.
- “A new era for Mexico: Exploring New Opportunities”. Mexico Upstream Contracts and Deepwater. CWC. Mexico, October 2014.
- “State Investment Disputes”. AIPN/ICDR Conference on Dispute Resolution in the International Oil and Gas Business. Calgary, October 2014.
- Speaker at the ICC Conference on the “Case Study on Consolidation of Arbitrations under the ICC Rules”. August 2014.
- Speaker at the ITA Annual Conference on “The Spectre of Enforcement Risk and Inefficient Arbitral Procedures”. June 2014.
- “Civil law aspects of the Joint Operating Agreement”. AIPN Model Contracts Workshop. San Francisco, June 2014.
- Panelist at the UT Law: Emerging Trends in International Arbitration, Santiago de Chile, June 2014.
- Co-Chair of the Dispute Resolution Module of the 4th IEL-SEERIL (IBA) Conference, London, December 2013.
- “Resource Nationalism, Expropriation and Creeping Expropriation affecting the Extractive Sector” at the Special Institute on International Energy and Minerals Arbitration, Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Toronto, September 2013.
- “Political Risk Management in Latin American Natural Resources Projects: The Toolbox,” Special Institute on International Mining and Oil & Gas (Law, Development and Investment), Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, Cartagena, March 2013.
- “Taking the Hammer to Misbehaving Counsel: A review over arbitrator authority”. ICC Latin America Annual Conference. Miami, November, 2012.
- Rapidfire Latin American Update on Arbitration. ICDR Latin America Conference. Miami, September 2012.
- “M&A Activity in the Energy Business”. Instituto Peruano de Arbitraje. Lima, August 2012.
- “Confronting Ethical Issues in International Arbitration” (faculty member for workshop organized by the Institute for Transnational Arbitration (ITA)-CCB Americas, Bogota, October 2010.
- “Latin American Oil and Gas Disputes” ICDR/AIPN Conference on Dispute Resolution in the International Oil and Gas Business, Houston, April 2010.
- “Parallel Proceedings in Multijurisdiction Disputes,” IBA Conference, Washington DC, April 2010.
- “Pre-Arbitration Counseling: What to do when the Deal with the Government Starts to Unravel?” Joint IBA and IEL Conference, London, November 2009.
- “Arbitration of Natural Resources Disputes involving Latin American States or State Entities,” ICC Annual Conference, Miami, November 2009.