Publications & Conferences
Elisabeth Eljuri has published extensively on the topics of international arbitration, investment protection, energy and natural resources. She has over 50 publications in law review articles, legal journals and books. She has also been an avid speaker in over one hundred major international conferences on the subject matters of her expertise.
- Upstream Contracts: Best Practices for optimal risk sharing in Mexico’s E&P Industry. Oxford Energy Forum. The Oxford Institute for Energy Studies. June 2017. Issue 109.
- Energy Investment Disputes in Latin America: The Pursuit of Stability. (co- author). Berkeley Journal of International Law. Fall 2015.
- The Transformation of Mexico’s Hydrocarbon Business. International Energy Law Review. Sweet & Maxwell. Fall 2015.
- Mexico’s Very First Bid Round (co-author). Journal of World Energy Law and Business, Oxford University Press, August 2015.
- The Leading Practitioners’ Guide to International Oil & Gas Arbitration (co- author). Juris Publishing, Inc. August 2015.
- Latin American Upstream Oil and Gas: A Practical Guide to the Law and Regulation (co-author), Global Law and Business. May 2015.
- Political Risk Management in Natural Resources Projects in the MENA and the Latin American Regions. Oil, Gas and Energy Law (OGEL), October 2014.
- Mexico’s Energy Sector Reform (co-author). Journal of World Energy Law and Business. Oxford University Press, February 2014.
- Resource Nationalism: The Shock and the Law. Canadian Mining Journal. October 2013.
- Handbook for carrying out Energy Projects in Latin American jurisdictions: Venezuela, Mexico and Colombia. University of Eastern Finland. August 2013.
- Political Risk Management in Latin American Natural Resources Projects: The Toolbox, Special Institute on International Mining and Oil & Gas (Law, Development and Investment), Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation, March 2013.
- Anti-Capitalist Stance of LatAm Politicians Does Not Devalue Investors’ Opportunities (Comment), Legal Week publication, December 2012.
- Roundtable: Mining 2013 (Expropriation), The International Who’s Who of Mining Lawyers, November 2012.
- Venezuela’s Denunciation of the ICSID Convention. What is the Future of Venezuelan BIT’s? Newsletter for the IBA Legal Practice Division. 2012
- Actualización sobre la nacionalización de los Recursos de América Latina* Elisabeth Eljuri and Verónica Clamens, Oil & Gas Journal Latinoamericana. Enero/Febrero/Marzo 2012, Año 18, Número 1.
- Latin America: Despite Volatility and Mood Swings, a surge in licensing and acquisition activity (co-author), Journal of World Energy Law and Business, Oxford University Press, August 2012.
- IBA Arbitration Guide (co-author), International Bar Association, 2012.
- International Arbitration in Venezuela (co-author), Norton Rose International Arbitration Newsletter, February 2012.
- Update on Latin America’s Resource Nationalism, Oil & Gas Journal Latinoamericana, Vol. 1, January 2012.
- Venezuela denounces the ICSID Convention (co-author), Norton Rose Legal Update, January 2012.
- Project Finance Venezuela (co-author), Latin Lawyer, 2011.
- “Arbitraje Comercial en materia de Hidrocarburos” (co-author) in Memoria Arbitral del Centro Empresarial de Conciliación y Arbitraje, Caracas, December 2011.
- New Venezuelan Windfalls Profits Tax Law (co-author), SEERIL Current Practice Newsletter, Vol. 7, Issue 1, October 2011.
- IBA Guide on Shareholders’ Agreements, International Bar Association, July 2011.
- Update on the new Venezuela Windfalls Profits Tax Law (co-author), AIPN, June 2011.
- Decree with the Rank, Value and Force of a Law Creating a Special Contribution on Extraordinary Prices and Exorbitant Prices in the International Hydrocarbons Market (co-author), Macleod Dixon Bulletin, April 2011.
- “Navigating through the regulatory framework of the Venezuelan Oil Industry” in International Oil and Gas transactions in Latin America, ed. by Ricardo Colmenter and David Enríquez, ITAM, Mexico, 2011.
- Key Features of New Upstream Projects in Venezuela’s Orinoco Heavy Oil Belt, AIPN, December 2010.
- “Venezuela” (co-author) in The International Arbitration Review, Law Business Research Ltd., July 2010.
- Managing Political Risk in Light of Venezuela’s Partial Nationalization of the Oilfield Services Sector (co-author), Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, Vol. 28, Issue 3, July 2010.
- New Trends and Evolution of Environmental Regulation in Venezuela (co- author), International Environmental Law Newsletter (American Bar Association Section of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources), Volume 12, No. 1, December 2009.
- Venezuela: On the path to complete ‘oil sovereignty’, or the beginning of a new era of investment? (co-author), The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, Fall 2009.
- The Venezuelan State reserves assets and services related to hydrocarbon primary activities (co-author), Macleod Dixon Bulletin, May 2009.
- The New Latin American Oil and Gas Scene: Taking the High Road or the Low Road? (co-author), Who’s Who Legal publication, January 2009.
- Venezuela’s Version of a Windfall Profit Tax (co-author), Tax Notes International, Vol. 53, January 2009.
- Venezuela’s Exercise of Sovereignty over the Hydrocarbon Industry and Preventive Protections to be considered by Investors, TDM, Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2008.
- The 2007 Nationalization of the Venezuelan Orinoco Oil Belt (co- author), TDM, Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2008.
- Venezuela: The Battle of Contract Sanctity vs. Resource Sovereignty (editor), TDM & OGEL special feature joint issue, Vol. 5, Issue 2, April 2008.
- The XXI Transformation of the Venezuelan Oil Industry (co-author), Journal of Energy and Natural Resources Law, Vol. 26, Issue 4, February 2008.
- BIT Termination and the Survival Clause. What does the concept of protection of investments made prior to termination of the BIT actually cover? (co-author), IBA conference material, Caracas, 2008.
- “Venezuela” (co-author) in The Mergers and Acquisitions Review, ed. by Simon Robinson, Law Business Research, London, 2008.
- “Venezuela” (co-author) in International Comparative Legal Guide to Gas Regulation, Global Legal Group Ltd., London, 2008.
- The 2007 Nationalization of the Venezuelan Orinoco Oil Belt (co- author), Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence, Vol. 5, Issue 4, November 2007.
- Considerations on Natural Gas Royalties in Venezuela (co-author), AVPG Publications, Vol. 2, November 2004.
- Venezuela’s Dual Hydrocarbon Regime. Roundup of Articles. OGEl. 2003.
- “Venezuela” (co-author) in Winning Legal Strategies: International Corporate Law, Aspatore Books, Boston, 2003.
- Regulations to the Law on the Promotion and Protection of Investments (co- author), Latin American Law and Business Report, August 2002.
- New Legal Framework for Hydrocarbons in Venezuela (co-author), Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 20, Issue 3, August 2002.
- A Brief History and Current Trends of Environmental Legislation in Venezuela (co-author), ABA International Environmental Law Committee Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 4, May 2001.
- Corporate Structuring of Oil and Gas Projects in Venezuela: Views from the North and South, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, Vol. 18, Issue 1, February 2000.
- The Legal Framework for Gas in Venezuela (co-author), Oil and Gas Law Taxation Review, Vol. 1, 1999.
- The Developing Framework for Natural Gas in Venezuela (co-author), Oil and Gas Law Taxation Review, Vol. 5, 1999.
- Los Convenios de Asociación para la Exploración a Riesgo y Producción de Hidrocarburos bajo el Esquema de Ganancias Compartidas. (co- author). Temas de Derecho Petrolero McGraw Hill.1998.